Publikationen am Institut für Geobotanik

Zeige Ergebnisse 71 - 80 von 89


Küster, H., & Wolschke-Bulmahn, J. (2014). Zu den Qualitäten klösterlicher Kulturlandschaften: Geschichte, Kultur, Umwelt und Spiritualität. (CGL-Studies; Band v.20). AVM.edition.
Seo, B., Bogner, C., Poppenborg, P., Martin, E., Hoffmeister, M., Jun, M., Koellner, T., Reineking, B., Shope, C. L., & Tenhunen, J. (2014). Deriving a per-field land use and land cover map in an agricultural mosaic catchment. Earth system science data, 6(2), 339-352.


Kang, W., Hoffmeister, M., Martin, E. A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Han, D., & Lee, D. (2013). Effects of management and structural connectivity on the plant communities of organic vegetable field margins in South Korea. Ecological research.
Martin, E. A., Reineking, B., Seo, B., & Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2013). Natural enemy interactions constrain pest control in complex agricultural landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Olagoke, A. O., Bosire, J. O., & Berger, U. (2013). Regeneration of Rhizophora mucronata (Lamk.) in degraded mangrove forest: Lessons from point pattern analyses of local tree interactions. Acta oecologica.


Groß, J., Brennecke, A., Küster, H., Leibold, R., Leienbach, K.-W., Linnert, A., Post, M., & Schuck, A. (2012). Biosphäre Ökologie: Lösungen zum Schülerbuch. Cornelsen.
Martin, E. A., Viano, M., Ratsimisetra, L., Laloë, F., & Carrière, S. M. (2012). Maintenance of bird functional diversity in a traditional agroecosystem of Madagascar. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.


Adekunle, V. A. J., Olagoke, A. O., & Ogundare, L. F. (2010). Logging impacts in tropical lowland humid forest on tree species diversity and environmental conservation. Journal of sustainable forestry.
Adekunle, V. A. J., & Olagoke, A. O. (2010). The impacts of timber harvesting on residual trees and seedlings in a tropical rain forest ecosystem, southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management.
Akinloye, A. J., Illoh, H. C., & Olagoke, A. O. (2010). Screening of some indigenous herbal dyes for use in plant histological staining. Journal of forestry research.