The Institute of Geobotany is pleased to announce the return of its virtual seminar series on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services with a remarkable slate of international speakers for the Winter/Summer term 2022!
The seminar series is a platform to learn about and discuss ecology, landscape science, and biodiversity research. It is open to the Leibniz University Hannover community as well as the public. The Institute strives to host a wide range of speakers that includes scholars, practitioners, and researchers employing different research methods from all parts of the world. The Institute welcomes suggestions for speakers, which can be directed to Dr. Ricardo Perez Alvarez at the Institute for Geobotany.
The first talk in this English-language seminar series will be hosted virtually on WebEx on Tuesday, March 1 at 3:00 PM (CET) by award-winning speaker Dr. Heather Grab, Senior Lecturer from the School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University (USA). She will present her work on, “ Mitigating the effects of agricultural intensification on ecosystem services.”
Join the seminar via WebEx: Event details
For more information on future topics and dates for the seminar series, see the infographic above and visit the institute''s event page. The Institute of Geobotany appreciates your help spreading the word!