The previous institutes – Soil Science, Geobotany, Geology, Mineralogy as well as Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology – are merging and will form the sections of the new institute. In any further correspondence, we will be known as a section of the Institute of Earth System Sciences.
The new common website will be launched soon.
The Institute of Geobotany studies the ecology and biodiversity of natural and human-modified systems at local and landscape scales. Our research focuses on evaluating the effects and interactions of abiotic and biotic drivers of biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and the long-term provisioning of ecosystem services across spatial and temporal scales.
We sadly announce the passing of Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Küster.

He was from 1998 to 2022 Professor of Plant Ecology at the Institute of Geobotany and from 2020 to 2022 its managing director.